With the country slowly reopening we carried out a small straw poll of our members to gauge how they are feeling about Sportability recommencing activities. As you might imagine, there has been a mixed response which equates to a roughly 50/50 split between: Those who can’t wait and are raring to go; and those who are understandably cautious and not yet ready to return.

Following on from these results we consulted with many of our Service Providers and are pleased to advise that a some of them have already reopened and working with the public at large, albeit with Covid precautionary operations – sanitising, social distancing, single use equipment, etc – in place. They are willing, ready and enthusiastic to welcome our groups again.

So, with some constraints in operation, we are ready to re-start a restricted programme of events. This will open with quad-biking, as this is open-air, easily lends itself to distancing and, with Covid precautions in place, able to conform to government guidelines.

Our programmes of wheelchair tennis and indoor sky-diving are also on the table, and we are in talks with these providers for a Covid conforming comeback. So, rebuilding as soon and as safely as possible. Watch this space!

Meantime, we wish you and your loved ones continued health and safety and will let you know exact details in the very near future.

We look forward to welcoming you back!

David, Valerie and Ann,

The Sportability Team