Blokarting, Gliding, Flight Simulator, Falconry, Quadbiking, Powered Boating, Archery, Microlight Flying, Electric Buggy Driving, Sailing, Indoor Skiing, Circuit driving, Rambling, Canoeing, Axe-throwing, Wheelchair tennis, Carriage driving, Off-roading .
Area Organiser: Jane MacKenzie
Jane first came on a Sportability quadbiking experience then sampled the whole programme and decided she could do the same thing on her “home turf”. Since then she has been one of our most active and productive organisers and has now expanded her range of activities with a full programme for North Yorkshire.
This includes: Blokarting at Elvington Airfield; gliding with the Burn Gliding Club near Selby; electric buggy driving at the Hypertrax Arena near Wakefield; quadbiking at Ripley Castle near Harrogate; microlight flying at Baxby; indoor skiing at the SnoZone, and flight simulation at Castleford; falconry at Hillam; power boating off Scarborough; and quad-biking, archery and axe-throwing at Rufforth.
And remember: Beginners or never-evers are more than welcome. It’s about pushing the boundaries and finding what you can achieve.
For further information on all these activities and if you would like your name added to our mailing list, please call us on 07305 047 533 or email us at
We hope to hear from you soon!
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