august, 2024

22aug11:30 am1:30 pmQuad-biking - Surrey - August 2024Our Signature Event!11:30 am - 1:30 pm Xsite Leisure, Honeycrock Farm Axes Lane Salfords Rh15QLEvent Type :Quadbiking


(Thursday) 11:30 am - 1:30 pm


Xsite Leisure

Honeycrock Farm Axes Lane Salfords Rh15QL


Event Details

Quad-Biking Event in Surrey
Thursday 22nd August 2024


We are pleased to announce a fabulous quad-biking event in Surrey. Steve and the crew at Xsite Leisure are waiting to welcome us at their wonderful facility in Salfords, Surrey.

We’ll meet at 11.30 am for complimentary tea and coffee with a planned 12.00 pm start. There will be a full safety briefing, then kit up for the quad-biking session. This will be a gentle circuit in the fields adjoining. This is 1-on-1 instruction to determine the skill and ability levels. But please note: Absolute beginners or never-evers all welcomed!

Then it’s off for a woodland ramble in convoy. For safety reasons it will of course be up to the Xsite Leisure instructors to determine the route and participants. They may decide for safety reasons to split the group, but we know you will enjoy the ride!

So, surprise yourself and be tempted, you’ll be amazed at what you might achieve. It will be an afternoon of fun and discovery.

And remember that with Sportability any one within our remit can participate free of charge.

Note: The facilities are basic but there are Portaloos at the site and one is wheelchair accessible.
Suitable outdoor clothing must be worn at all times when driving the Quads, E.g, covered arms and legs and closed in footwear. Xsite recommend you bring spare clothes to change into (especially if it is wet), as you can get pretty muddy. Also bring a towel and a bag for your wet clothes. They will  hire out waterproof overalls for £5, if you would like to stay dryer.

So just to recap on those details

Quad Biking
Thursday 22nd August
Meet at 11.30am for a Noon start


The full address is Xsite Leisure, Honeycrock Farm, Axes Lane, Salfords, Surrey, RH1 5QL.

Details can be found by viewing Here.  As you come down their drive, follow it straight down past the building, parking is by the lake.

Places are limited, so to avoid disappointment, please contact Valerie via the Sportability office at to check availability and book your place.

We hope to see you there.

Best Wishes,

The Sportability Team

Please note: Sportability wishes to point out that the events and activities are operated by established Service Providers. For the purpose of clarification, it should be understood that all participants in the sporting events and activities referred to on our website, in our newsletters or in any written or verbal communication, will be deemed to be clients of the Service Provider, and must adhere to that Service Provider’s Terms and Conditions, instructions and operating procedures.

Motorsport of any kind is, by its very nature, dangerous and certain terms and conditions will apply to your participation. These may vary from Service Provider to Service Provider, but you will be asked to sign a disclaimer before your participation is allowed.

Please also note that there will be certain exclusions that might prohibit your participation. These include taking any medication that might affect your performance, your ability to drive, your safety and the safety of others. You will also not be allowed to drive if you suffer from epilepsy or have had incidents of dizziness or loss of consciousness.

There will also be other more general conditions such as use of drugs, alcohol, behaviour and driving standards that may affect your safety or the safety of any other person. The Service Providers will make this quite clear and their decisions and instructions are final.

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