october, 2024

09oct10:30 am12:30 pmCarriage Driving in West Yorkshire10:30 am - 12:30 pm RDA Ackworth, Station Road, West Yorkshire, WF7 7PHEvent Type :Carriage Driving


(Wednesday) 10:30 am - 12:30 pm


RDA Ackworth

Station Road, West Yorkshire, WF7 7PH


Event Details

Friends, Amis, Amigos, Amici,

We are thrilled to announce two dates for some fabulous Carriage Driving with Ackworth Riding for the Disabled. They are:

8th and 9th October

On each of these days we will be there for the ‘meet and greet’ and safety briefing at 10.30am, and then you will be taken to your carriage for an experience like no other.

Ackworth RDA have custom-made, adapted accessible carriages and their skilled instructors will soon have you experiencing the thrills and exhilaration of this great sport.

This is a unique Sportability experience, fast and fun, it’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face and offer excitement for both the experienced carriage driving buff and the complete novice.

First, there’ll be a gentle circuit for everyone to get familiar with the equipment. You will then have a chance to hone your skills at controlling the carriages and these fabulous horses, taking it at your own pace. Remember it’s all tailored to your skill, your ability and your comfort.

Please note: absolute beginners or never-evers all welcomed so get booking.

And, don’t worry if you have never seen or driven one of these before – just be ready to be amazed at what you can achieve. Ackworth RDA have fully qualified, friendly instructors who will ensure you have a safe and enjoyable time.

There are accessible toilets on site and coffee and tea making facilities. No cafe, but the Rustic Arms Pub is five minutes away and a great place to have a lovely lunch. You can also bring a packed lunch if you wish.

Ackwoth RDA will provide helmets, for the event, but bring a pair of gloves, and wear closed shoes, like trainers, and some form of comfortable trouser.

You will have the choice of transferring into the carriage seat or as the carriage is equipped with ramps, your own wheelchair can get onto the carriage & once secured the carriage can be driven from there.

And remember that with Sportability anyone within our remit can participate free of charge.

So just to recap on those details:

Carriage Driving – 10.30 am

8th October 2024


9th October 2024

Choose a date and get booking.

The full address is:

RDA Ackworth
Station Road,
West Yorkshire,

Please see the map and what 3 words code for exact location. The black square with the arrow shows the entrance.

We’d love to see you there, so if you want to join us for one of these dates then please contact Valerie via email at info@sportability.org.uk

Best Wishes,
The Sportability Team

Please note: Sportability wishes to point out that the events and activities are operated by established Service Providers. For the purpose of clarification, it should be understood that all participants in the sporting events and activities referred to on our website, in our newsletters or in any written or verbal communication, will be deemed to be clients of the Service Provider, and must adhere to that Service Provider’s Terms and Conditions, instructions and operating procedures.

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